Tag Archives: The Birds

Stack ’em up

A few months back, I blogged about my trip to LA and somehow left out one of my favorite discoveries along the way; I will call it “to go wine”. See my friend and I were at a birthday party in the old LA Zoo but following the party we were heading straight to the Hollywood Forever Cemetary to see The Birds. In need of some food and drink, we headed to the grocery to pick up some goodies.

We had almonds, and veggies but needed some beverages. While scouring the wine aisle for something delish when I spotted an oddly shaped, purple paper wrapped bottle. In true girl form I have to admit I picked this “bottle” based purely on the presentation (great work Mr. Wine Marketer).

These little guys stack on top of one another hence the name Stacked Merlot to make the “bottle” and are each individually sealed in their own plastic glass for easy transport. This was hassle free–just perfect if you were planning a picnic, or in this case going to a movie in the cemetary!

Hitchcock and wine, snuggled up on the cemetary lawn… one of the best nights ever!

Cheers! Check out more Stacked products online: http://stackedwines.com/shop/stacked-wines-california-merlot


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